Altitude flora
Enjoy the rich flora while strolling, guided by this video of Parc de la Vanoise, above all the artico-alpine plants, […]
Toutes les activités estivales alentour.
Enjoy the rich flora while strolling, guided by this video of Parc de la Vanoise, above all the artico-alpine plants, […]
How can you survive when you’re suddenly moved from seaside to mountain tops? That’s actually what happened to plants
What about cooking Alps herbs? Hop hop hop, let’s get some in our hiking bags! No protected one of course.
Our brave 80 years old neighbour grows vegetables in a wonderful patch down her little stairs of lauze. Chaque matin
We’re going to present you three videos by Philippe Facquet. They will help you identify many birds around our cottage.
Have you ever asked yourself what is hiding under the snowy tracks in the mountains ? They soon become secret